Our Little Champion

Ruth is ranked third in the nation in her age group in the freestyle.  She is a swimmer, but she doesn’t quite know it yet. 

Grabbing onto good, grabbing onto new and stepping into more is BRAVE work. It can be so scary to leave behind the comfort of your predictable “known”- even if your comfort zone is full of awful. 

New Hope Girls - Walking to Swim Practice

I’m always amazed how hard it is for our girls to dive into hard, good things and finish strong.  Helping them do it becomes our hard and good work.  

Each time one of our girls brings home a medal from a swim meet, I want to give it to our caregivers who persuade and negotiate every day to get backpacks packed, homework done, and girls off to practice. Every. Single. Day. 

The discipline and character that is being built is worth the fight. 

When they become fully aware that we are not letting them quit or throwing in the towel, they feel so loved and cared for.  Knowing you are loved, living loved- well, that changes everything.  That’s where healing and freedom live. 

I wish that for each and every girl, and I pray that for each one of you.  That you would know a bit more of how big and deep and wide the love of God for YOU is.  Knowing that and living that - well, it changes everything!


And may you have the power to understand, as all Gods people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God. -Ephesians 3:18-19