Raising Leaders

New Hope Girls is all about dreaming big dreams for our women and our girls. We are trusting God to help them move from the rescued to the rescuers.  We struggle to make sure we don’t expect too little of them and we are determined not to keep them small. 

We believe that the vulnerable become the exploiters and the empowered become empowerers. 

The work is so big. The battle is always fierce. The stakes are ever-growing high. We are committed to being deliberate and intentional. We are committed to restoring identity and providing opportunities for growth and leadership.

Each woman in our workshop knows what she is working for.  She will one day run her own group of women pouring into them, motivating and training them in the same way they have received.  

They are sharing their lives with youth and little girls who need lots of love and connection as they walk through healing.  They are interceding and believe the vision they have was planted by God and will therefore be completed through divine intervention and provision. They are studying and learning and growing— ready to step into more. 

One of the biggest thrills has been to watch our girls step into more.  They are learning they are stronger than they ever imagined. When they are pushed beyond their limits, they realize how small they once thought themselves to be. 

This year we sent four off for a week of survival camp in the mountains with a backpack. The backpack didn’t have everything they thought they needed. They were certain they weren’t in the physical shape to face the open trail.  They had no idea what they were getting into…and that was the whole point.  

They learned how to overcome, persevere, reach a goal, and hear God's voice. They found victory by confronting the unexpected with a spirit of adventure, teamwork and service.

God used every activity to mold their character and make them more like Him. They were able to finish and conquer without all the things they thought they couldn't live without.  

Help Us Continue

We are in need of $22,000 to provide our girls with quality bilingual education including books, uniforms and transportation.  

We are providing continued Trauma Informed care training to our staff and developing our art, play, music and individual therapy programs.  ($6,000 annual for training)

Our girls have the opportunity to participate in student leadership opportunities and we hope to invest in 16 girls this year.  ($1,600) 

Our invitation is that you would consider helping us raise these leaders and give them the opportunities needed to grow and become equipped to chase after their dreams and use their life to help rescue the next one.